Since 1983, we have taken a lead role in the industry by incorporating the latest functionality with cutting-edge technology to make your ownership experience a pleasant and profitable one.
With an extensive array of engineering, manufacturing and production resources, partnered with our dedicated staff, Workhorse produces products of unparalleled quality. These resources also ensure that we provide the most sturdy, well-built equipment on the market with the latest technologies. Our products and accessories are engineered, designed, and built to last.

Sales and Service teams here at Workhorse are among the most experienced in the field. They are capable of handling all your needs and understand that helping you build a successful business requires more than just providing high quality equipment. Performance and longevity are also driving forces that push our business forward. We continually look for new opportunities to enhance or improve our products. This commitment to product development ensures top quality, performance, and customer satisfaction.

Workhorse Products has over 30 years of manufacturing experience in the screen printing equipment industry. This impressive history stems from a commitment to quality, value, service and performance. Having thousands of machines in the field, both domestically and internationally, has solidified Workhorse as one of the top manufacturers of screen printing equipment in the world.